Seven Ad Fraud Threats to the PPC Industry: Stay Alerted of Them


Fraud Threats

Today, businesses in Georgia frequently rely upon a full-service Atlanta Google Ads Consultant in formulating pay-per-click (“PPC”) campaigns which are safe from fraud such as these seven ad fraud threats. A well-designed program offers valuable assistance generating sales and new leads. Pay-per-click ads also provide a welcome source of revenue for monetizing blogs.

Yet expert advice proves critical in helping advertisers avoid pitfalls sometimes associated with this growing online industry. Just as viruses and malware pose a significant Internet security threat today, the problem of ad fraud concerns PPC providers and their commercial customers. Scams involving pay-per-click advertising proliferated during recent years.

The Scope of  The Ad Fraud Problem

An explosion in PPC advertising during the past decade possibly explains the sophistication of modern ad fraud scams. Juniper Research projects the global digital ad spending marketplace will reach an impressive $520 billion by 2023. Today, cyberspace offer a great way for many companies to promote their brands cost-effectively to an international audience.

Australian authorities recently launched an investigation into this burgeoning (and very lucrative) industry. A few huge social media companies currently dominate the marketplace, receiving roughly two thirds of the money spent on online ads. Ad fraud threatens legitimate PPC advertisers by detracting from lead quality. Current estimates of the problem vary widely in scope. Some sources surmise the extent of ad fraud reaches roughly 5% of total ad revenues by the most conservative assessment. The bottom line: businesses placing PPC advertising should take precautions to avoid losing money to ad fraud scams.

Seven Ad Fraud Threats

The rise of PPC advertising resulted in the development of various ad fraud schemes. Businesses investing in online PPC ads or obtaining PPC commissions need to remain wary of these scams. At least seven types of ad fraud currently burden online advertising:

  1. The creation of bogus ad metrics platforms: By spoofing tools for measuring the effectiveness of PPC ads, scammers mislead advertisers concerning the effectiveness of keywords and ad purchases.
  2. Electronic ad clicking technologies: For many years, the use of technology to click on PPC ads has posed a significant problem for advertisers.
  3. Networks of app installation devices: Some scammers maintain networks of mobile devices which install apps to continuously click on PPC ads.
  4. Malware installation schemes: Some PPC scams involve malware installations that mislead advertisers by installing spoofed domains (imitating high-value URLs) displaying PPC ads.
  5. Ad stacking schemes: The simultaneous display of multiple layers of online ads within a matter of seconds detracts from the value advertisers receive from unique PPC ad spots.
  6. Cookie stuffing schemes: This type of scam reportedly involves placing misleading code onto browsers suggesting artificially high rates of PPC activity (increasing commission volumes).
  7. Bot ad clicking scams: A variation of electronic ad clicking technologies utilizing AI results in misleading PPC ad metrics.

Why Using a PPC Google AdWords Expert Makes Sense

Companies offering PPC advertising opportunities include Google, Amazon, and Facebook. These firms have recently sought to reduce risks to businesses from ad fraud. For example, Google prohibits the marketing of any apps through Google Play implicated in possible PPC ad scams. Legitimate entrepreneurs seeking to earn PPC revenues or promote goods and services via PPC advertising appreciate these efforts.

To explore how PPC advertising might benefit your firm in Georgia, consider consulting with an experienced Atlanta Google AdWords Expert. Obtaining knowledgeable services in this area helps many firms optimize revenues, while avoiding risky or fraud-prone PPC advertising venues. Pursue this “win-win” strategy!

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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