Implement 10 Security Measures to Help Protect Your WordPress Website Against Hacking


Hacking: A Big Problem to Protect Your WordPress Website

As a website owner you definitely feel that it’s still a huge challenge to protect your WordPress website despite of recent security innovations. Apparently some WordPress business websites still remain relatively insecure. Many WordPress Hack Reasons cause anxiety. Hacking sometimes results in costly data breaches, intellectual property thefts, or customer identity thefts. Boost your website’s security to help prevent this all-too-common online problem.

Implement Ten Useful Security Tips

Adopting some security measures helps protect WordPress websites against hacking. Many of these changes do not require a significant capital investment to implement. Yet, they may offer valuable assistance by helping to thwart hackers.

1. Invest in Reputable Security Software

First, don’t overlook the importance of protecting your business network computers with a comprehensive security program designed for commercial customers. Your program should help defend your computers against viruses, worms, malware and other online threats. It should also include firewall protection and real-time monitoring.

Protect Your WordPress Website

Internet Screen Security

2. Choose a Website Hosting Company Providing Server Security

Also ensure you select your website hosting firm with care. Ideally, the website host should install security software to help protect its servers. Today, maintaining server security offers assistance in preventing many types of hacking.

3. Protect Your Website Using Strong Passwords

Simply extending the minimum length of the passwords used to login to accounts on your WordPress website also helps boost security. Consider requiring strings of mixed letters, numbers, and symbols. Request a minimum length of eight to ten characters.

4. Recommend Compatible Salt Key Encryption Programs

Urge customers to employ salt key encryption software programs to help remember their passwords. These programs automatically scramble passwords internally for encryption purposes. (Some will also update a password during every visit.)

5. Use SSL/TLS Security Protocols For Encryption, Too

Secure socket layer technology encrypts the transmission of data between a website and its visitors. By obtaining an SSL/TLS security certificate, you’ll essentially insert an extra level of security into transactions conducted through your website. Many widely used browsers now indicate this protocol by including a secure padlock icon in front of the URL.

6. Implement Two Factor Authentication to Protect Your WordPress Website

Offer two factor authentication to assist customers in maintaining more secure accounts. For example, the Two-Factor plugin helps implement this protocol. Hackers must obtain control of an account holder’s phone or email account in real time to hijack this robust login authentication process.

7. Update Plugins/Remove Unsupported Plugins

Periodically, update your website plugins. Consider removing very old plugins that no longer receive developer support. Very likely, better alternatives now exist for outdated versions of website software.

8. Limit Login Attempts

By limiting login attempts, you’ll significantly reduce your website’s vulnerability to brute force hacking. Plugins allow you to lock down an account after repeated unsuccessful login attempts.

9. Terminate Inactive Website Accounts

After a specified period of inactivity, consider terminating abandoned accounts (if account holders decline to login to maintain an active status). This website policy makes it more difficult for hackers to hijack unused accounts.

10. Maintain a Security Plan

Always maintain a current website security plan. It should outline your approved protocols and detail how to respond to hacking and other online threats.

Obtaining Assistance to Protect Your WordPress Website

If necessary, consider obtaining expert WP online help to implement these security upgrades. By making hacking attacks more difficult, you’ll safeguard your website. Strong site security benefits both businesses and their customers today!

Post Written by

Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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