SEO for Humans


Unless you sell exclusively to robots or machines, your content should be written for the humans on the receiving side of your posts. You hear about the algorithms and technicalities that SEO incorporates for you to make that top of your industries list. But it’s uncommon to come across an SEO-enhancing guide that highlights the importance of being reader-centric. Content that’s written to rank at the top of the list neglects your readers’ real needs.

The Essence of SEO

True success in SEO starts by asking yourself what your readers are looking for when they start to type the keywords into the search bar of any given platform. These platforms use the keywords in the bar to direct the human readers to the most trustworthy sources with content that is the most relative to the words they’ve searched for.

  • Are they looking for a guide that shows them how to do something?
  • Are they looking for something to solve a problem?
  • Do they need to know what all of the options are?
  • What factors should be most influential on their choice?

The essence of SEO is optimizing the content on your site to be the most valuable response to whatever search that a human being has initiated via their search engine of choice. The reason you want to be at the top of the list is so that more real people can find your website. Real people are who make conversion and sales happen.

SEO for Humans

Being a Professional Human

Using SEO to gain a connection to your target audience requires professionalism. Yes, you do need to be relatable, and creating content that speaks to an audience of everyday people is the best way to show that you relate to them. However, it’s crucial that you do so in a professional way.

Successful and professional SEO integration with your site is not always as easy as it looks, however. You don’t want to appear sloppy, amateur, or insincere to search engines or to your audience. Enlisting the help of an Atlanta SEO Consultant will definitely help you reach your objectives and show your audience that you are a professional in your field.

Be open to suggestions from these SEO pros. Remember that they base their entire career on SEO practices.

Authenticity and Authority

Your website should only feature authentic, high-quality content, and you’re properly citing each source you use for creating content. This means creating your own content that adds value to the reader’s interest or concern.

If you’re linking to external sites, be sure that the site has a good reputation or authority. Reach out to an Atlant SEO company to ask about resources and tools online that you can use to check a site’s web authority.

Above all, remember that while it may be computers that measure the analytics of a site, it’s the humans who perform the searches and who want answers. Don’t write SEO-integrated posts for robots. Write for your audience first, and apply SEO tactics afterward.

Post Written by

Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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