Obtain WordPress Support Services to Maintain Rapid Page Loading Speeds


Rapid Page Loading Speeds

Today, many online website administrators appreciate the importance of maintaining rapid page loading speeds. A full-service WordPress support firm can often supply valuable assistance in this area. Many studies demonstrate online visitors typically won’t spend a lot of time waiting for a slowly loading website to display on computer screens. As page loading speeds have fallen across multiple online platforms during recent years, public expectations for timely content access have risen.

Not a Panacea, of Course

First, one point deserves attention. Website owners also need to supply timely, useful content to generate favorable traffic statistics. Simply ensuring web pages load quickly won’t by itself serve to build a commercial website’s customer base. Yet it seems difficult to deny the importance of speedy website page loading today.

Page Loading Speeds May Vary From One Device to Another

The speed of web page loading usually varies from one device to another. However, site owners can take steps to optimize the loading of web pages on a variety of differently sized screens. Business analysts sometimes recommend testing the loading speed of a commercial website across several different devices: a PC, a Mac, a laptop, a tablet, and one (or more) smartphones. It may prove helpful to create one set of pages for desktop computers and another, more streamlined version of the site, optimized for mobile technology. The Google search engine reportedly utilizes rapid page loading as one factor in determining mobile SEO rankings, for instance.

Rapid Page Loading Holds Benefits: One Illustration

What advantages do online merchants obtain by seeking knowledgeable website support for swift page loading? The case of the online footwear marketing firm SnipesUSA.com provides a clear illustration of the advantages that sometimes arise from achieving faster page loading speeds. SnipesUSA.com invested significant funds in upgrading and streamlining its online store during 2020. The company improved its landing page loading speeds by an impressive 30%. Reportedly, this effort paid off well. The change helped double site conversion rates from 1% to 2%, resulting in significantly increased sales.

Page Loading Speeds Reportedly Impact Conversion Rates

Indeed, a number of online merchants draw a strong correlation between improved cyber retailer page loading speeds and enhanced sales conversion rates. In February 2020, before the Coronavirus Pandemic significantly impacted online businesses, a survey of 105 retailers by Digital Commerce 360, revealed startling results. Some 44% of the companies responding to the poll, favored increasing site loading speeds in order to convert more casual visitors into paying customers. By ensuring web pages load easily for prospective online customers, commercial enterprises contribute to the ease and convenience of shopping over the Internet.

Enhancing The Impression of Reliability And Customer Service

Possibly one intangible benefit ensuing from swift website loading concerns the image projected by merchants in cyberspace. Slowly loading, cumbersome web pages convey an impression of inefficiency. Many online visitors abort efforts to peruse sites that display very slowly. Instead, they resume online product searches. By contrast, websites capable of loading quickly and displaying well on a prospective customer’s screen satisfy the visitor’s request for useful information. A fast-loading website reflects well upon a business, augmenting an impression of speed and attentiveness to customer needs.

Upgrade Slowly Loading Commercial Sites Today

In many circumstances, online merchants discover important marketplace advantages in seeking support services to implement faster website page loading speeds. Taking this step sometimes involves a significant financial commitment. Yet it also allows some merchants to improve their competitiveness in competitive marketplaces!

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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