The Latest 30+ SEO Statistics You Should Know As a Marketer


SEO is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the latest changes and trends, but it’s essential to do so if you want your website to rank high in search engine results pages. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the latest SEO statistics and how they can help you improve your marketing efforts. 

Statistic Presentation on a Laptop for the topic about SEO Stats Every Marketer Should Know

SEO is Essential for Online Marketing Success

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs). It is a part of online marketing and can be used to improve the organic search results of a website.

SEO is important for online marketing success because it can help to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages. This can lead to more traffic and potential customers for a business, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and profits.

There are many different factors that go into SEO, including on-page factors like keyword optimization and off-page factors like link building. A successful SEO campaign will typically involve both on-page and off-page optimization.

On-page optimization refers to the activities that you can do on your own website to improve your SEO. This includes things like optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions, as well as creating quality content that is keyword-rich and informative.

Off-page optimization refers to the activities that you can do outside of your website to improve your SEO. This includes things like link building and social media engagement.

Both on-page and off-page optimization are important for a successful SEO campaign. If you want to achieve long-term success with SEO, it is important to create quality content, build links, and engage with your audience on social media.

The Latest SEO Statistics You Need to Know

As the world of SEO changes and evolves, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest stats and information. Here are some of the latest SEO statistics you need to know:

68% of website traffic is sourced from Organic and Paid Search (Source: BrightEdge)

BrightEdge data for 68% website traffic is sourced from Organic and Paid Search

0.63% of Google searchers clicked on results from the second page. (Source: Backlinko)

60% of marketers say that inbound is their highest source of leads (Source: HubSpot)

SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate (Source: HubSpot)

58.99% of website traffic worldwide is generated from mobile phones. (Statista)

The average first-page result on Google has 1,890 words. (Source: Backlinko)

53.3% of all traffic comes from organic search. (Source: BrightEdge)

93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. (Source: Forbes)

75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. (Source: Hubspot)

Long-form content gets 77.2% more links than shorter articles. (Source: Backlinko)

18% of local mobile searches lead to a sale within one day. (Source: Search Engine Land)

33% of clicks go to the first listing in the search results. (Source: SearchEngineWatch)

97% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses before making a purchase decision  (Source: PowerReviews)

88% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations from friends and family. (Source: SearchEngineLand )  

90.63% of Content Gets No Traffic From Google. (Source: Ahrefs)

Google rewrites title tags 33.4% of the time. (Source: Ahrefs)

Google is now 33% more likely to rewrite title tags. (Source: Ahrefs)

When Google ignores the title tag, it uses the H1 tag 50.76% of the time instead. (Source: Ahrefs)

Google is 57% more likely to rewrite title tags that are too long. (Source: Ahrefs)

The #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR of 27.6%. (Source: Backlinko)

The top 3 Google search results get 54.4% of all clicks. (Source: Backlinko)

There are an estimated 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide on Google. (Source: Internet Live Stats)

40.7% of all voice search answers came from a Featured Snippet. (Source: Backlinko)

48% of consumers use voice assistants for general web searches. (Source: Search Engine Land)

53% of digital marketers consider guest posting as the most effective link building strategy. (Source: SEMrush)

$77.80 is the average cost of publishing a guest post. (Source: Ahrefs)

1.8% of clicks on Google search results go to YouTube. (Source: Moz)

60% of marketers still say that inbound (SEO, content creation, etc.) is their highest quality source of leads. (Source: HubSpot)

3 words are often used by a typical searcher in their search query. (Source: Moz)

18% of Google searchers changed their search terms without clicking any results. (Source: Moz)

27% of the global online population uses voice search on mobile. (Source: Google)


How These SEO Statistics Can Help You Improve Your Marketing Efforts

As a marketer, it’s important to understand how people interact with the content you produce. By analyzing your marketing efforts through the lens of various statistics, you can learn a great deal about what works and what doesn’t – and use that information to improve your strategies going forward.

For example, let’s say you’re looking at the click-through rate (CTR) for one of your ad campaigns. A low CTR could indicate that your ad copy isn’t particularly compelling, or that the target audience isn’t seeing it as relevant to their needs. In either case, you would want to make some changes in order to improve the campaign’s performance.

Similarly, if you’re looking at the conversion rate for a landing page, a low number could mean that the page isn’t effective at converting visitors into leads or customers. Again, this is something you would want to address in order to improve your results.

Of course, CTR and conversion rates are just two of the many statistics that can be useful for marketers. Other metrics worth paying attention to include things like time on the page, bounce rate, and social shares. By understanding how these numbers relate to your marketing efforts, you can fine-tune your strategies and see better results over time.

What You Can Do to Stay Ahead of the Curve

When it comes to staying ahead of the curve, there are a few key things you can do to make sure you always have an edge over the competition.

First and foremost, always be learning. Whether you’re taking an online course, reading industry-specific news or blogs, or simply keeping up with the latest technology trends, it’s important to continually educate yourself so you can anticipate changes and be prepared for whatever comes your way.

In addition to learning, another way to stay ahead of the curve is by networking. Get involved with industry groups and attend events so you can meet others who might be able to help you further your career. You never know when a chance encounter could lead to a big opportunity, so it’s always worth putting yourself out there.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take risks. Of course, you don’t want to be impulsive, but sometimes being bold and stepping outside of your comfort zone is what it takes to get ahead. So if you have an idea for a new project or business venture, go for it! Taking risks can pay off big time, and at the very least you’ll learn something valuable in the process.

As more and more companies are starting to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, it’s becoming increasingly important to understand how AI works and what implications it might have for businesses and society at large.

There are a number of different ways to define artificial intelligence, but at its core, AI is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act autonomously. There are a number of different approaches to AI, but some of the most common include machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

AI technologies have a number of potential applications in business, including automating tasks like customer service or data entry, optimizing marketing campaigns, or even helping to develop new products. In addition to its potential business applications, AI also has the potential to transform society in a number of ways. For example, autonomous vehicles powered by AI could drastically reduce traffic accidents, and AI-enabled healthcare technologies could improve patient outcomes.

As AI technologies become more widespread, it’s important to consider both the potential benefits and risks associated with their adoption. While there are many potential benefits to be gained from the use of AI technologies, there are also a number of risks that need to be considered. For example, as AI technologies become more powerful, there is a risk that they could be used for malicious purposes such as identity theft or fraud. In addition, as AI systems become increasingly embedded in society, there is a risk that they could become uncontrollable and cause unintended harm.

Overall, artificial intelligence is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to transform both business and society. While there are many potential benefits associated with the use of AI technologies, there are also a number of risks that need to be considered. As AI technologies become more widespread, it’s important to continue monitoring both the potential risks and benefits associated with their adoption.


SEO is essential for online marketing success because it helps ensure that your website appears high in the search results, which are the main source of traffic for most websites. There are a number of factors that contribute to a website’s ranking in the search results, but you can improve your website’s ranking by creating high-quality content and building links from other websites.

Post Written by

Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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