Tips for Driving Traffic and Increasing Your Amazon Sales Rank


Tips for Driving Traffic

Since Amazon remains to be the most popular platform among global shoppers today, a huge number of people are scouring the web for tips for driving traffic into their websites at any given moment.  People from all over the world shop on Amazon to find any number of products and services that they need for their homes, families and businesses.

Estimates predict traffic to Amazon to increase by more than 25 percent by the middle of 2021. You can utilize this website’s popularity and success to your own advantage as a seller by knowing how to drive traffic and increase your sales rank on Amazon.

Tips for driving traffic: Strategic Keyword Placement

Customers who shop on Amazon are drawn to listings that are eye-catching and engaging. They want to get a clear impression of what you are selling just by glancing at your sales title.

With that, it is imperative that you know how and where to place your keywords so they catch the attention of people who are looking for the products and services that you sell. You need to place your strongest keywords at the beginning of your sales titles so they stand out to shoppers and draw people to your listing. Strong keyword placement is one of the tips for driving traffic and increasing your Amazon sales ranking and convincing customers to buy whatever it is that you are selling.

Price Your Products and Services Accordingly

Of course, your Amazon ranking will go nowhere if your target audience considers your products or services not affordable. At the same time, they will be suspicious if you price whatever it is that you sell too low.

As such, you need to use some smart strategies to price your products or services realistically so they appeal to your customers and still make you money. It may be advisable for you to first consider your profit margins and aim for one that is 25 to 30 percent after you pay for expenses like seller fees, landed costs and PPC spend.

Likewise, you can increase your Amazon ranking by pricing your wares competitively so they hold their own on the website and outperform anything similar that your competition sells. You want customers to know that they are getting a good return on their investment when they spend their money with you.

Finally, you need to show how your product is unique compared to your competition and thus may warrant a slightly higher price. You want your customers to feel like they are getting something special and making a good choice by purchasing from you. These pricing strategies can propel your Amazon sales rank past those of your competition.

Optimize Images

Finally, use the product description space that Amazon allows you to optimize the best images for your products or services. You need to use images that show whatever it is that you sell in the best manner possible. You want any images that you use to convince customers that they need to purchase your wares and that your products or services will definitely make their lives better.

Optimizing the images can include using those that are colorful and engaging. It can also include using imagery that shows the finest details of the products that you sell.

While the images that you use on Amazon must be placed against white backgrounds, you still have a number of creative options to showcase your products. These options can be vital to increasing your Amazon sales ranking and drawing even more customers to your listing.

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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