By Jim Clanin
Skilled Atlanta Ecommerce Website Development today assists enterprises in automating many essential business operations. Talented website designers seek to help their clients integrate Customer Relationship Management (“CRM”) software programs seamlessly into the backgrounds of commercial sites. This strategy yields a variety of key benefits.
Six Reasons to Integrate a Commercial Website With CRM
A variety of motivations prompt Ecommerce enterprises to request CRM integration into commercial websites. This process facilitates automation. Yet it also contributes to a superb level of customer service:
One: Enhance a Customer’s Experience
By using CRM software to optimize “back office” activities, companies ensure they won’t overlook customers. Automation assists managers in presenting registered site visitors of every size with red carpet service. Paradoxically, a high level of individualized communications accompanies this change.
Two: Obtain Greater Cost-Efficiencies
By automating many tasks formerly performed by employees, managers increase efficiency. Sites that incorporate back end CRM tools often require a smaller operating staff. They rely extensively upon scripts. Computerized systems perform a variety of sales and service functions, providing managers with more time to address customer inquiries requiring their attention.
Three: Ease Supply Chain Forecasting
The use of integrated CRM software typically assists companies in monitoring supply and demand issues closely. Many programs include automated processes to track inventory with every transaction in real time. Websites can automatically re-order specified quantities of products when managers seek to maintain these items “in stock”. This capability increases business operational efficiency, and helps prevent supply-and-demand bottlenecks from inconveniencing customers.
Four: Enable Customer Self-Service Transactions
Many CRM programs encourage Ecommerce website owners to establish self-service portals. By permitting customer-driven transactions, a marketing company reduces its own labor costs. Customers enjoy wide latitude to place orders on a 24/7 basis, optimizing their convenience. They can also revise or cancel orders more easily, if necessary. By emphasizing self-service, a marketing company may also give customers a greater sense of empowerment. Just as many retail stores have discovered advantages during recent years in providing self-checkout systems, online merchants frequently gain benefits from offering more self-service portals to their customers.
Five: Enjoy Automated Customer Service Follow Up
A fully-integrated CRM program conducts marketing follow up with every customer. This service encourages satisfied customers to return to the website frequently. It also assists managers in identifying and resolving customer complaints. By emphasizing automated email follow ups, a well-designed CRM program helps convert one-time purchasers into loyal customers who place repetitive orders through the Ecommerce website. By using email as a primary communications medium, the site owner also minimizes recurring marketing costs.
Six: Conduct Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns
One of the most important reasons to integrate back-end CRM programs with Ecommerce websites today relates to the use of targeted email marketing campaigns. As soon as a visitor registers with the site and provides an email address, the prospective customer typically joins the Ecommerce marketer’s email list. The use of sophisticated CRM software enables the business to contact its registered visitors with highly targeted emails. For example, the company may direct some appeals towards recapturing customers who have not placed orders within designated time periods.
The Value of CRM-Integrated Ecommerce Websites
While designing commercial websites with CRM functionality in mind requires additional effort, it also facilitates turnkey website operations. Many essential business activities (including swift customer follow up) occur seamlessly. Consider asking your Atlanta Ecommerce Website Design team to work closely with your preferred CRM provider!