Use Google My Business to Support a Local PPC Advertising Campaign


Google My Business

Currently, numerous enterprises in Georgia boost revenues and advertise more effectively online using Pay-per-click (“PPC”) technology. An Atlanta Google AdWords Expert offers valuable assistance crafting effective campaigns for this type of online promotion. Yet it also remains important for companies to consider maintaining a streamlined local presence to support a PPC advertising initiative. Don’t overlook the availability of the free Google My Business platform during marketing!

Google My Business: A Helpful Tool

Claiming your Google My Business listing currently requires no fee. This platform provides a great way for many businesses to emphasize their presence within their immediate, local vicinity. Enterprises must ensure they supply correct, consistent, accurate contact information, however.

In the past, some companies have encountered problems due to cyber criminals or unscrupulous competitors attempting to claim their listings. Perhaps for this reason alone, it proves helpful to ensure your business maintains a visible local presence (if you market goods or services locally). A Google My Business listing won’t advertise your firm beyond your immediate neighborhood. It serves as a purely geographically targeted online entry.

Supporting a PPC Campaign

Why should Atlanta Area companies conducting PPC campaigns pay attention to maintaining a local Google My Business listing? If you use long tailed keywords in your advertising or SEO efforts, then this practice assists customers in learning about your company. The Google My Business listing offers a way to enable prospective customers to read useful reviews about local firms.

After clicking on a keyword targeting a specific local product or service, some online visitors prefer to obtain further information about a business of interest to them. Instead of following an ad to a website, a prospective customer within the immediate area may “google” the company and read its Google My Business profile. To some extent, the listing itself then serves as a business card (of sorts) for the advertiser.

PPC Advertisers Who Benefit From Google My Business Listings

A Google My Business listing won’t necessarily assist every business. Today, some highly specialized companies don’t market within identifiable local areas. Yet most firms maintaining a brick-and-mortar retail presence can obtain valuable assistance by directing marketing efforts towards specific neighborhoods within the vicinity of an office or a store. Recently, the platform reportedly expanded the categories of information available to visitors. Businesses may now update their customers about some COVID-19 related modifications, for example.

Some companies in particular discover important benefits in combining a PPC campaign with active local SEO marketing efforts. Atlanta Area firms which offer useful services such as electricians, plumbers, cleaning services, HVAC repair firms, real estate firms, insurance companies, veterinary clinics, dentists, podiatrists, and law firms may all discover some advantages in using this strategy. Additionally, small retail shops (including convenience stores, groceries, jewelry stores, antique dealerships, restaurants, and auto sales lots) also frequently direct advertising dollars towards local markets.

Must read article: Google My Business – An Update Focused on Helping Small Businesses

Appearing on Google Maps

A well-maintained Google My Business listing may also assist companies seeking to appear more frequently on Google Map displays. The large search engine typically provides neighborhood maps (containing at least three business listings) when searches seek information about local goods and services.

Combining a carefully planned and targeted PPC campaign with the local SEO platform furnished by Google My Business helps alert prospective customers within your vicinity to the presence of your enterprise. Depending upon the specific marketplace and the business, this strategy may yield rewarding long-term results. Consider obtaining assistance from an experienced Atlanta Google ads consultant in implementing this type of seamless marketing effort.

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Chris is the co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing who is focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car shows and car racing events and traveling with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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