Top Ways to Make Sure Your PPC Budget Works Harder


Ad Scheduling for Better PPC Management

Testing out PPC ads is part of having a good ad campaign. It doesn’t matter if you have an excellent paid search agency, or you do it yourself, you may have to work with your PPC campaign here and there to get the ads right for your business. Following these tricks may help you get to the right spot with your ads a lot faster and save you money!

Get Used to Negative Keywords

A negative keyword is a keyword that you don’t want to use with your campaign. It is important to avoid spending a lot on your PPC campaign by coming up with a list of keywords you do not want to associate with your ads. Once you have your list of negative keywords that you’ll use in your ad campaign, then you’ll have a fine-tuned ad that will end up getting you the right visitors to your website or landing pages.

Create a Schedule

An ad schedule is a schedule that you create for your ads based on the best time to convert your visitors. Once you understand when you have the most conversions, utilize an ad schedule to make sure your ads are seen the most during the top hours for your ad conversions.

Pick the Right Keyword Match

There are categories of possible matches for the keywords your enter for your PPC campaigns. The different match types are great to use so that your keywords draw in the right customers. Consider using exact match or phrase match to make sure you are getting exactly who you’re looking for in visitors.

Look for Your Quality Score

If you are submitting an ad on Google, check your quality score for your ads by modifying your columns and adding your quality score to your dashboard. The quality score is the score that Google gives you for the performance of your keyword.

Keep Testing Your Campaign

If you aren’t getting the results you want from a PPC campaign, consider trying something new here or there until you find the right ad, schedule, and keywords for your business.

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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