Underperforming PPC Campaigns?


Diagnosing Traffic Drops in SEO

If you have PPC campaigns that aren’t performing well for your business, consider improving them by reintroducing them once you’ve analyzed the ad from the consumer’s point of view. Paid-per-click ads sometimes don’t work well, for no reason at all. Reworking the ad benefits you by increasing your audience and helping you reach the goals you have for your business.

Google Quality Score

Google rates the quality of your keywords, landing pages, and ads to come up with a quality score that determines the total quality of your campaigns. To increase your quality score, work on all three components. Increasing your quality score will lower the costs of your PPC campaign.

Add Negative Keywords

To save money on a PPC campaign, try adding in negative keywords to eliminate consumers that click-thru to something they don’t want. While it may take a while to think of negative keywords, you won’t have to worry about your ads getting pushed down to a lower position because you aren’t getting a high amount of impressions.

Check Your Ad Relevancy

Consider changing the wording in your PPC ads to match the search terms better. The better your search terms match your keywords, the better your conversion rate.

The Landing Page Experience

Customers look forward to a great experience when they click on an ad to visit a landing page for a product or service. An attractive headline and a straightforward approach tend to work better than the alternative. Content that is short spaced properly and concise is easier for leads to understand and find what they want on a website.

Ad Extensions

Have your paid search agency add ad extensions to your ads. Ad extensions increase the visibility of your ad, and they also help highlight the important information related to your business, product, or service. Call extensions are a great way to cater to the majority of the people that view ads on the internet using smartphones. Using a call extension is also good for businesses looking for local customers.

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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