Do You Update Your WordPress Website Regularly? Four Reasons to Take This Step.


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Updating WordPress Websites

Today, businesses frequently emphasize the importance of updating both their WordPress website software and content. Many excellent reasons drive this practice. Consider seeking frequent updates in order to cultivate a loyal customer base for your goods and services!


Currency Matters For SEO Purposes

Over the course of time, fashion changes. This truism impacts businesses struggling to achieve SEO success as well as audiences attending trendy designer events like Rip The Runway and Paris Fashion Week. If you’ve ever remodeled a kitchen or spent time reviewing the latest trade show designs, you already appreciate the economic importance of producing cutting edge goods and services!

WordPress website owners maintain a strong interest in keeping their sites current, too. The dynamic qualities of WordPress contribute to the urgency of this goal. As other software programs change, obtaining updates proves vital in maintaining site accessibility and functionality.

Four Reasons to Update Your Website Frequently

Why should you update your website on a frequent basis? Some of the most popular reasons to perform this task relate to maintaining a secure site, attracting repeat traffic, ranking well for SEO purposes, and optimizing brand appeal:

One: Updating Helps Maintain Website Security

At a very basic level, regular software updates help thwart hacking and other security threats. Most cyber security experts urge customers to update their antivirus and anti-malware programs regularly. As new threats emerge, developers create security software patches or new products to overcome recognized vulnerabilities. If you fail to obtain regular updates, you risk falling victim to preventable security risks.

Two: Adding New Content Attracts Repeat Traffic

Strong reasons also exist to update your site content as frequently as possible. Many online visitors possess little patience with dated material. Offering new, interesting information on an ongoing basis encourages online visitors to return to your website. It may persuade prospects for your goods and services to become customers. The importance of maintaining useful content prompts many site owners to produce blogs, videos, and other materials to generate site traffic.

Three: Outdated Functionality Impacts SEO Ranking

WordPress website functionality also changes over the course of time. As developers release new themes, plugins, and features, site owners may decide to adopt popular changes. Consider the vast difference in the appearance and capabilities of sites generated five years ago and current websites, for example. Powerful trends such as the wide popularity of mobile technology and the use of voice searches impact website development.

Four: Updating Promotes Brand Currency

One of the most important motivations for keeping a website current pertains to the power of branding. Few businesses want to appear outmoded or out of style. Companies that lag behind the times risk stagnating in competitive markets. If a firm fails to update its websites frequently, it projects an unappealing commercial image for its brands. Visitors who notice inefficient, poorly functioning web pages sometimes perceive the sponsor of the website unfavorably. Currently, government agencies appreciate the importance of displaying state-of-the-art, updated websites in cyberspace. Consumers maintain high expectations regarding this issue.

Implement Updating Protocols

Consider taking action to ensure you maintain a current, frequently updated WordPress website. Failing to perform this maintenance on a regular basis holds perils. It may prove helpful to draft written procedures for your site’s management team. Including guidelines specifying software and content updates helps prevent costly oversights. Some website developers seek WordPress Support services to help implement their site protocols.

Post Written by

Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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