Has Someone Hacked Your WordPress Website? Look For Five Tell-Tale Signs of Problems


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Hacking: A Problem For Website Owners (And Computer Users)

Commercial websites using the WordPress platform sometimes sustain damage caused by online hackers. The best WordPress support services seek to alert customers to this significant business issue. This brief article discusses six visible ways to recognize if hackers have accessed your website recently.

The Scope of The Problem

Malicious efforts to break into company sites frequently involve stealthy efforts to steal intellectual property, confidential information, money, or other assets. Some sources claim the global cybercrime industry outpaced the illicit drug industry in terms of profitability during recent years. Hackers who seek to conceal their intrusions sometimes prove challenging to detect.

Yet in the past, some hackers have also sought to disrupt or censor business sites. They may endeavor to harass or embarrass site owners through vandalism. For example, when the North Korean regime sought to express its ire over the release of The Interview (2014), it hacked the websites of companies associated with the production. The film parodied dictator Kim Jong Un. Paradoxically, the hacking incident probably helped raise the awareness of law enforcement about threats posed to businesses by organized cyber criminals.

Five Indicators of Visible Website Hacking

Not all hackers seek to advertise their presence, of course. Yet site owners may detect visible traces of unauthorized activities. Viruses and malware sometimes mimic hacking problems. Look for these signs:

One: Website Content Changes: Any unauthorized content changes should raise a red flag. Your site has perhaps sustained hacking damage.

Two: You Find Yourself “Locked Out” of Your Administrative Account: Beware of hacking if you cannot access your administrative account privileges. Hackers frequently seek to usurp this capability.

Three: You Discover Re-directed Links: The presence of unfamiliar links may alert you to a hacking incident. In some cases, a hacker re-directs online traffic from a business website to other, off-site, locations.

Unexplained Site Registrations And Logins: Do people other than your customers log into your site? The unauthorized traffic might result from hacking activities.

Anything “Out of The Ordinary”: If you notice any unauthorized changes to your website (or its contents), then hackers possibly attacked your site. Contact your hosting company and/or your IT security firm immediately to report a possible hacking incident and obtain technical support.

Bolster Your Site’s Security Protocols

Today, most experts highly recommend enabling two-factor authentication for your browser. This recently developed protocol assists in securing a PC, a laptop, a table, or a smart phone against hacking. It increases the challenges faced by hackers seeking to invade your privacy. Modify your browser controls to implement this useful measure.

Additionally, website owners need to take steps to ensure they safeguard online visitors against hacking. Today, most commercial site hosting firms offer rich security suites to help protect their business customers and their networks. Some providers charge additional fees for furnishing these services. Simply by increasing the safety and security of the site, this extra level of protection often more than pays for itself.

Companies which host their own business websites by maintaining their own servers face steep security challenges. Take steps to ensure you protect your server with commercial-grade antivirus and antimalware software. Maintain a commercial-grade firewall. Keep all programs and apps updated, and secure your administrative access to your site. You’ll also need to perform frequent backups to protect against data losses. By remaining vigilant, you’ll recognize visible signs of WordPress site hacks!

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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