How to Make Your Website User-Friendly for the Visually Impaired


User FriendlyWhile most people trying to make websites more accessible for everyone, sometimes sites still fall short. There are a few ways to make sure you are giving everyone a fair chance at the information on your site. Many times, the owner of a website will ask aweb designer to make a site that will drive traffic and get the most leads. Making a website more accessible increases business and shows that you care about the whole community using the internet.

Making Your Website More User-Friendly for Visually Impaired

Visually impaired users usually use a screen reader to scan your website. If you want to make your site more user-friendly for people who use screen readers, consider emptying your alt tags. If you have decorative bullet points, a screen reader will read the code for the bullet point and then the information. Instead of having the screen reader read, “decorative button,” empty the alt tag and then they will just here the text after a bullet point. If you take away some of the unnecessary items on your page, it is also easier for people to understand with a screen reader.

Limit Your Links

A screen reader will let the user know how many links are on your page right away. Hearing that there are many links on a page discourages users to stay on the website to find out information.

Prioritize Your Information

The best way to make your website the most accessible for the visually impaired is to list your information from the most important to the least important. Start with an outline that has the most important information first. Getting to the point will keep someone with a screen reader more interested because they have to navigate through less information that doesn’t matter.

Working on a more user-friendly design is a great way to stay current with all of your potential customers or clients. Trying out a screen reader for yourself may help you know if it is the right design and content for everyone and how to format your content to sound like an easier site to navigate.

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Jim is a co-founder of DoubleDome and he brings his vast creative design skills and project management abilities to the firm by overseeing the creative and development teams and support services to ensure total client satisfaction. When he's away from his desk, he loves to play the drums at local events or see car shows with Chris. He also loves to travel with his wife and daughter and is an active in local community projects like the MLK, Jr. Service project.
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