By Jim Clanin
Asking for customer feedback can take your small business and propel it into a giant! You can use online reviews and information that customers give you to increase customer satisfaction and even alter your brand to conform to fit your customer’s desires.
Reasons Your Business Needs Customer Feedback
1. You Get an Education!
One of the best ways to learn about your business is to listen to customer feedback. Your customers will tell you what you can improve, what they like, and how they want to see your business grow.
2. Boost Your Confidence
Excellent customer reviews spread the word about your brand. These reviews prove that you have a dependable and credible business that deserves loyalty.
3. Feedback gives you a Larger Footprint Online
When a customer leaves feedback about your company online, it can help your SEO. Online reputation management service providers work hard to make sure that you have good SEO. If you use a service provider, your reviews will help them increase the online presence of your business.
4. You will Gain Business
Potential customers are more likely to take the advice from your previous customers than be persuaded to purchase by any other marketing campaign. Personal experiences sell your products. The more your customers publish their good experiences with your brand online, the more new customers you will acquire.
5. Turn Your Negative Feedback Around
Use negative feedback to work at improving your business.
6. Feedback is Free!
We all love free stuff. The feedback you’ll receive online has a high amount of value, and it costs you nothing. Your customers can save you money on marketing expenses and ad campaigns.
Get More Customer Feedback
- Register with review sites like Google reviews. Make it easier for customers to locate you online. You should also make a Google My Business page, so your business is updated and present across all Google services.
- Put a short link to your Google reviews link on the signature line of your email. Ask for the review after someone orders a product from your website. You can place this in a newsletter style email or a thank you response after an order.
- Use text just like you would an email. Send a text message to a new customer during business hours, asking for feedback. Use a shortened link to your listing in Google Reviews.
- Ask people to complete a survey and add links to your listing on review sights at the end of your study. You will get feedback times two!