The Top of Search Engine Mountain


It is easy to get buried in the avalanche of sites that appear when people look for your services in their preferred search engine. Atlanta SEOWhen developing online content for a business or blog you want your site to be seen as early in the results as possible. That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. SEO is the practice that can get your site to the top of the mountain of search engine results, but how do you know you’re on the right track?

There are complex formulas that come into play when it comes to making it to the top of search engine results.

What are people actually typing in the search box who might want to find your business?

How do you make your business or blog show up first?

Should you pay to show up on the first page of Google?

Most users prefer to visit sites that “organically” show up on the first page of results. This is where hiring an SEO consultant can save you a lot of time and energy. Unless your business is focused on technology then you probably have better things to do than learn the ins and outs of SEO, but it has become such and important part of doing business online that individuals are dedicating their careers to this study.

Google is one of the most powerful search engines in the world, and a basic understanding of their analytical tool can help you reach your SEO goals. Almost every website can be set up to use google analytics. Google analytics makes it a lot easier to set and track the traffic goals of your website. It’s important to have easily measurable outcomes, such as revenue raised or number of people registering for your newsletter, in mind when setting your goals.

After you have decided what kind of activity you want to monitor on your site, you can set up google analytics to track this and then send you reports regularly to see how you’re doing. Over time this allows you to see what’s working and what might need to be changed.

Like any tool SEO can only get you to the top if you know how to use it properly. Hiring an SEO company like DoubleDome can help you reach your goals at a pace suitable for the internet age. Times change rapidly. The way people do business will continue to evolve as the internet continues to become a more integral part of everyday life. Keeping up with how services change can be dizzying at times, but don’t let this overwhelm you. With the right tools and the right help you can get the kind of feedback you need to build a site that works for your purposes.

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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