Take These 5 Smart Precautions to Thwart Hacking Attempts


WordPress online help

Securing WordPress Websites: An Important Goal

Today, financial losses imposed by online hacking prove alarming. WordPress website owners possess a vested interest in seeking to Stop WordPress Blog Hackers. Taking even a few smart precautions helps make your website less attractive to cyber criminals.


The Scope of The Problem

Why does hacking constitute a significant online threat? Statistics provided by the Norton security firm reveal the extent of this problem in stark terms. The firm reports some 60 million people in the United States alone suffered adverse impacts from identity theft crimes.

Hackers sometimes vandalize websites. They also steal identifying personal information. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, and credit card data frequently become targets of thefts in cyberspace. One study predicts if present trends continue, fully 50% of all data breaches during 2023 will occur in the USA. If you maintain a WordPress website, it makes sense to take basic steps to thwart (or deter) hacking. Boosting site security helps protect site visitors (and your business) from potentially costly hacking incidents.

Precautions Against Hacking

Fortunately, WordPress website administrators access a number of helpful tools that make it much harder for hackers to cause damage. If you have not already done so, consider implementing some of these steps. You’ll help fortify your website’s defenses against many types of hacking:

1. Install High Quality Security Software

Numerous companies produce excellent antivirus and anti-malware software. Most of these programs also include a firewall component to help deter hacking attacks. Consider installing comprehensive security software on your business computers. If you use the services of a website hosting service, ensure that it also supplies security (and firewall) protections for the servers hosting your WordPress website.

2. Secure Access to Your Website Administrative Account

Sometimes WordPress website owners rely upon the default WordPress administrative account password supplied with the WordPress software. Always ensure you change this password. Instead, select a new password consisting of a difficult to surmise string of numbers, letters, and symbols (preferably at least 8 to 10 characters in length). Taking this precaution makes it much harder for a hacker to hijack your website administrative account.

3. Use SSL/TLS Encryption Protocols

To further secure your WordPress website, consider utilizing Secure Socket Layer technology to encrypt the transmission of information between your website and customers. If you use the services of a web hosting company, that firm may provide additional information about SSL/TLS protocols. Many browsers now indicate the use of this encryption system by displaying a secure padlock icon in front of the URL.

4. Initiate Two Factor Authentication

Offer additional protection to your WordPress website visitors by making two factor authentication available to help safeguard their accounts. This security protocol (available via a plugin) requires both a password and the use of a real-time unique temporary security code for identity confirmation.

5. Use a Dependable WordPress Security Plugin

Consider researching other available WordPress website security plugins to enhance your site’s security, too. Check with your third party security software provider to ensure compatibility between your firewall software and your preferred WordPress plugins. Several plugins now offer lockout assistance if site visitors attempt too many unsuccessful logins (sometimes a sign of hacking). The plugin locks the visitor’s account and notifies the site administrator.

A Smart Investment

Boosting WordPress website security offers benefits. If necessary, consider obtaining WordPress online help to promote this goal!

Post Written by

Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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