Engagement Reigns Supreme Over SEO


A traditional SEO has specific goals in mind closely tied to numbers. The strategies examine the Google algorithm and how it changes as often as it does to optimize their client’s pages. Having goals geared in this direction means you don’t have a positive outlook going forward.

Doubledome SEOWhen an SEO firm hires someone, their goal is to get the page ranked higher on the search engine results page to increase overall traffic. The views increase sales and popularity, which pushes the page closer to the top of the page, but these efforts aren’t enough anymore with the rapidly changing Internet.

Results that are automatic and focus only on metrics and not on the amount of conversation or engagement occurs are flawed in today’s world. These two are tied together and need to be treated in the same manner. SEO needs to engage the customers while encouraging them to create a conversation and talk about the brand. Expand through social media channels and allow the content to spread. Simply rating high in search engines does nothing for your business. An SEO company should realize that page rankings don’t mean anything if it doesn’t create active engagement.

Lack of Engagement

The first question that individuals working with SEO ask are “will this increase my rank in the SERPS,” which is an important one but is frequently placed on the top of the list of priorities and other factors are ignored. It’s also difficult to master this technique because Google is constantly changing their algorithm to make it harder for people to exploit the system in unfair ways. It’s time-consuming to have to re-evaluate how things have changed and mastered their algorithm. The goal is not only to master your own strategy to push interaction up but to compete with others whose actions that you have absolutely no control over.

Content marketing is an example worthy of looking at. An SEO consultant knows that it’s crucial to have hyperlinks from third-party sites to get a high ranking, which is true. A popular method of getting these links is to create a large amount of short blogs with the link and post these on third-party sites specifically designed to aid in improving SEO. These blogs often lack true content and are offering little to no information on the topic to actually encourage the person to purchase. These types of articles can actually hurt results.

The Google update in 2017 known as “Fred” was designed specifically to penalize sites that published low-quality content and associated links. Those who have used these methods can attest to the dive in results after the change was implemented.

This in no way means that SEO shouldn’t be used. It’s time to take a new look at the methods and adjust to keep up with the changing needs of the consumer. They need to focus on quality content instead of the quantity to keep engagement up. Consultants who use these tactics are being replaced by experienced editors with quality and leadership skills. Discussion with relevant content is the future, and it’s time to hop on board.

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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