Three Reasons to Ask Your Visitors to Register For WordPress Website Accounts


WordPress support services

Today, WordPress websites offer excellent utility for many businesses. Some online sources recommend granting WordPress Temporary Login privileges to company websites. However, a far more secure practice involves establishing formal user accounts for your WordPress website (without sharing any Administrative privileges).

A WordPress Administrator may easily suspend (or terminate) account privileges after the passage of specified periods of time with no account activity. You also possess the ability to re-activate an account if an account holder decides to renew a subscription. While managing registration and accounts proves more time consuming, you’ll discover the benefits typically outweigh the disadvantages.


The Advantages of Formal Registration

By asking visitors to your commercial site to register for an account, your firm obtains some important benefits. Most people who visit a website don’t object to registering in order to conduct transactions, such as making purchases, bidding on items, attending online classes, or posting comments. A “temporary login” granting administrative privileges to third parties holds potential pitfalls from a security standpoint.

Three Strong Reasons to Obtain Website Registrations

Many advantages result from requesting commercial website account registrations. Just consider a few of the most important:

Develop a Customer Base And Email List

First, most businesses benefit by developing customer contact lists. During registration, you’ll enjoy an opportunity to request some important information from your website visitors: names, telephone numbers, addresses, and emails. Ask anyone who signs up for an account to agree to permit the addition of their email address to your business email list. You’ll promote business growth by developing an email list of interested prospects for your firm’s goods and services.

Obtaining this information might even help you monetize your website. Many companies rent business email lists to reputable third parties (with customer permission, of course). The ability to obtain this information assists some companies in developing an online customer base. You might also consider offering incentives to customers who refer your website to others who also sign up for free accounts.

Protect Your Site Against Hacking

Additionally, asking visitors to register offers advantages in preventing some types of hacking. Automated bots accessing your website typically won’t register for accounts. By adding an account registration requirement, you’ll help prevent hackers from systematically (and anonymously) harvesting customer data from your web pages.

Consider installing security software (and a firewall) to assist you in monitoring website traffic. If you notice hacking activity, take action to locate the source of this traffic. In some cases, you might identify IP addresses seeking to access your website multiple times.

Enable Two Factor Authentication to Boost Security

Enhance your website security by requiring visitors to login to their accounts with passwords of at least eight to ten characters. Using two-factor authentication assists your customers. This security measure makes it more difficult for hackers to hijack customer accounts. It helps protect your registered customers against identity thefts.

By granting access to most of your WordPress website only to registered account holders, you’ll contribute to tighter security, in fact. This process, coupled with the moderation of comments, helps an administrator prevent the posting of “spammy” links. Malicious links frequently slow web page loading speeds, a barrier to SEO success.

Find Skilled WordPress Website Support

Business website administrators appreciate the availability of capable WordPress support services. Frequently, business websites benefit from the assistance of skilled IT administrative technicians, such as personnel supplied by WordPress website hosting services. Delegating some essential maintenance tasks assists administrators in utilizing their time more efficiently!

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Chris is a co-founder of DoubleDome Digital Marketing focused on sales & marketing and has led the company to 24 straight years of profitability. When he's not busy managing DoubleDome, he loves to join car racing events and traveling to different states and countries with family. He's a proud dad of 2 and a fur dad, too.
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